Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
World Congress on Histopathology & Cytopathology , will be organized around the theme “Advacnents in Pathology”
histopathology 2020 is comprised of 17 tracks and 80 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in histopathology 2020.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1 Surgical pathology
- Track 1-2Applied microbes
- Track 1-3Clinical biology
- Track 1-4Pulmonary pathology
- Track 1-5 Renal pathology
- Track 1-6 Psychopathology
Histopathology refers to the microscopic examination of tissues and cells. It is likely performed by examining cells and tissues under a light microscope or electron microscope, which has been sectioned, stained on a microscope slide, since accurate diagnosis of cancer and other diseases usually requires histopathological examination of samples. Histopathological examination of tissues starts with surgery, biopsy, or autopsy. The tissue is removed from the body of an organism and then placed in a fixative that stabilizes the tissues to prevent decay. The most common fixative is formalin, although frozen section of fixing is also common. Histochemistry refers to the science of using chemical reactions between laboratory chemicals and components within tissue
- Track 2-1 Medical microbiology
- Track 2-2Clinical chemistry
- Track 2-3Autopsy
- Track 2-4Biopsy
- Track 2-5Apoptosis
- Track 3-1Exofoliative cytology
- Track 3-2Intervention cytology
- Track 3-3Sediment cytology
- Track 4-1General pathology
- Track 4-2Veterinary pathology
- Track 4-3Histochemistry
- Track 4-4Cytology
- Track 4-5Laser capture micro dissection
- Track 5-1Transfusion medicine
- Track 5-2Hematopathology
- Track 5-3Immuno assay
- Track 5-4Diagnostic immunology
- Track 5-5Kinetics of antigen-antibody
- Track 6-1Lymphoma
- Track 6-2Immunohisto chemistry
- Track 6-3Cutaneous B-cell and T-cell lymphoma
- Track 6-4Therapy related neoplasms in hematopathology
- Track 7-1Diagnostic immunohistochemistry
- Track 7-2Immunological assays
- Track 7-3Diagnostic markers
- Track 7-4Tumor immunohistochemistry
Medical microbiology is a branch of medicine dealing with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious as well as non-infectious diseases. Medical microbiologists deal with clinical consultations on the investigation, principles of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases; the scientific development, administrative and medical direction of a clinical microbiology laboratory; the establishment and direction of infection control programs across the continuum of care; communicable disease prevention and epidemiology and related public health issues.
- Track 8-1Advancements in pharmaceutical microbiology
- Track 8-2Nano patches and Nano vaccination
- Track 8-3Haematological malignancies
- Track 8-4Food microbiology and safety
- Track 8-5Microbial metabolism and genetics
- Track 8-6Applied and environmental microbiology
- Track 9-1Dermatopathology diagnosis
- Track 9-2Dermatopathology in forensic autopsy
- Track 9-3Advanced molecular testing
- Track 9-4Neoplastic & inflammatory diseases
- Track 9-5Skin Histopathology
- Track 10-1Clinical forensic medicine
- Track 10-2Surgical pathology
- Track 10-3Autopsy
- Track 10-4Molecular pathology
- Track 10-5Cytopathology
- Track 11-1Clinical and Pathological Aspects
- Track 11-2Dental biopsies and cancer
- Track 11-3Oral and maxillofacial surgery
- Track 11-4Dental caries and Dental abscess
- Track 11-5Dental pathology and endodontic
- Track 11-6Reconstruction of maxillofacial defects
- Track 12-1Personalized Medicine and Imaging
- Track 12-2Cancer Therapy: Preclinical
- Track 12-3Biology of Human Tumors
- Track 13-1Molecular Abnormalities in Tumours
- Track 13-2Tumor genetics and gene therapy
- Track 13-3Quality Assurance of Molecular Assays
- Track 13-4Molecular Basis of Skin Disease
- Track 14-1Clinical & Molecular Cytopathology
- Track 14-2General Cytopathology & Immunocytochemistry
- Track 14-3Cytopathology of Cytogenetics
- Track 15-1Screening and Diagnosis
- Track 15-2Role of pathology in cancer diagnostics
- Track 15-3Imaging and Radio oncology
- Track 15-4Tumor Immunology
- Track 15-5Cell Biology and Tumor Biology
- Track 15-6Epigenomics and Cancer Risk Factors
- Track 15-7Pathophysiology
- Track 15-8Grading and Staging of cancer
- Track 16-1Nerve and muscle biopsy
- Track 16-2Neuromuscular disorders
- Track 16-3Clinical evaluation
- Track 16-4Pathological interpretation
- Track 17-1Clinical and Pathological Aspects
- Track 17-2Anatomical and Physiological Disorders of Nose and Ear
- Track 17-3Immunohistochemistry
- Track 17-4Staining of processed histology slides